Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cochlear Implants

We finally heard from our Audiologist's office this past week. They've been in contact with Mayo Clinic in Rochester and sent them all James' information and are currently reviewing the file. They'll hopefully be calling the next couple of days to set up evaluation appointments. They were able to tell us that it'll be a couple day's worth of appointments. Yikes! Andy doesn't get too much PTO at his job so I hate to have him take 2 days off for evaluation appointments when we know in the future that there will be surgery in Rochester. So hopefully (if timing works out) my fabulous friend Heather will accompany me and my boistrous boys to Rochester.
I'm not really sure what the appointments all entail or what they're going to do with James for 2 days. I thought we'd pretty much done all the testing that had to be done here in Fargo, but I guess not :S

James had a pretty busy day this past Wednesday. He went to school in the morning and right after school we headed over to Sanford for his outpatient feeding and language therapy. After therapy we headed down to Healthcare Accessories to get James wheelchair looked it. We were concerned because we can't keep his hips back in the chair. Then he ends up sitting in the pelvic tilt (he doesn't mind at all) but it's not good for his posture and developing trunk strength. They were able to added a piece of foam under his thighs and hopefully that helps. They also did a little growth adjustment. While we were at Healthcare Accessories we had James AFOs adjusted. They were leaving nasty red marks on the tendon behind his knee. He also got his new hand/wrist splints. James tends to put his hand in a closed fist with his thumb between his pointer finger and middle finger. Not a good thing. So these will help keep his hand open and his thumb out.

In other family updates:

Andy is still playing ball a couple nights a week. My cousin's daughter has been watching the boys for us! It's been fabulous and I'm sure a big learning experience for Tracy.
Andy and I were able to slip away for a day and leave the kids with my parent's for a weekend. We ran the Warrior Dash with a couple of my friends in Hastings, MN. Wow was that hard! it was an extreme 5K with obstacles. The obstacles were pretty fun but there were tons of hills to run up.
I'm still busy busy busy at work and taking kids to appointments and scheduling our lives!

Elliot....what can I say. He's two. He's a boy. Wow! He's super busy and definately destructive. He gets into everything. EVERYTHING! We think we have everything out of reach and locked up and he somehow finds more stuff or finds a way around it. Most recently he somehow got the container of Nesquick strawberry powder (we add it to milk for Elliot so he doesn't drink all James' Pediasure) and dumped the WHOLE thing onto the carpet......

I've added a few pictures :)
Andy and I after running the Warrior Dash
James watching fireworks!
got a new movie....with talking animals
wearing mommy or daddy's Warrior Dash helmet!
another Elliot mess
He was so excited to cilmb on there!
Fun day at the park
Now that James has new AFOs we got him back up in his stander!

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