Wednesday, October 3, 2012

ABR-Advanced Bio Mechanical Rehabilitation

I'm not sure what's taken me so long to write this post. I'm really excited about ABR (Advanced Bio Mechanical Rehabilitation) and I can't wait to see our hours of work on James and how it will improve his quality of life.

So, in August James, my parents, my little sister and brother and myself headed for Montreal. Long car ride! James did surprisingly well considering he hates long car rides. We watched a lot of movies (or just a few movies a lot of times) and even got a new one on the way.

We spent 3 days in Montreal. We arrived the Sunday evening before ABR training began. Monday morning my mom, Abbey, James and I headed to ABR. The morning session was more of an introduction. They spoke to us/taught us different things about Cerebral Palsy in general in addition to teaching us about the basic principles of ABR. My mom really learned a lot about Cerebral Palsy in general she said. One of the big things is that James doesn't bear weight. If you think about it, we can all just sit and be bearing weight and we don't have to consciously think about it-our body just does it. Even in a young baby-if you sit the baby on a table and give it support to keep it's head up and torso-it sits on it butt and bears weight. In kids with CP, like James that doesn't happen. If you try to sit James down-he doesn't sit on his butt and he doesn't bear weight. He falls over and leans this way and that. He almost kinda sits on his tailbone. Another concept is compressional strength and weakness. James obviously has weakness. The easiest way for us to see this was they took a picture of a healthy child-pretty young (a 2 or 3 month old maybe) and hold the child by the chest. The child keeps it's "figure" but if you do that to James his whole body collapses. His ribs collapse in and his head is bent over and his shoulders slump. Hopefully one day I'll have some pictures to show-that's easier to explain it.
In the afternoon all we had was an assessment. It was pretty thorough and they took thousands of pictures. They'll use these pictures to help assign/prescribe exercises and also to gauge improvements.
The next day, just James and I went back and we began our training. We learned 5 different exercises-1 for his chest, 1 for his upper back, 1 for his neck and 2 for his abdomen. The staff were amazing and I have such hope for this to improve James' quality of living.

On our way home we took a day to spend at Niagara Falls! How beautiful. James doesn't normally like sightseeing or hot weather but he did like Niagara Falls. I think it helped that the water/mist from the falls kept his cool. He didn't particulary like the boat ride because of the poncho's but he did pretty good the rest of the time.

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